Us, You and the Law:

Like many other states, NC has passed a law (The Woman’s Right to Know Act ) which dictates to each woman seeking an abortion “This is how you must decide whether or not to have a baby.”  By law, we must provide you with information in accordance with the State law in person at least 72 hours before you can consent to and have an abortion.  This is not fair or necessary, and it is an inconvenience for you, but it is the law.  You will learn all the details about this if you call or come by the clinic for more information and/or to make an appointment.  Accurate, science-based information needed to help you in your decision will also be available.


Appointment Checklist:

  • No one is allowed in the clinic without a valid I.D.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
  • Eat normally the day before the procedure and a very light breakfast the morning of your procedure
  • The Doctor and Medical Assistant(s) will be with you in the procedure room.
  • Plan to be at the clinic anywhere between 1 and 3 hours.
  • All fees are payable before any services are rendered.

All fees payable in cash or credit card (Master Card, Visa). No other form of payment will be accepted.

  • Please let us know if you are unable to keep you scheduled appointment.


Once you are at the clinic:

After you have filled out your paperwork, you will have an anemia test (to check iron level), blood type test, your blood pressure will be taken and you will have an ultrasound to determine the estimated age of the pregnancy. If you already know your blood type, please be sure to tell us! If you choose the medical abortion, you will be given very special information, instructions and consents to read and sign. You will take one medicine at the clinic and be given another medication to be taken at home. This is a two-step, 2 – 3 day process.

If you are having a surgical abortion, you may choose local anesthesia (“numbing of the cervix”) only, minimal sedation or IV sedation (“twilight sleep”) at the time of the procedure. Surgical procedures can be completed in one visit. A surgical procedure takes 5 – 10 minutes, feels like bad menstrual cramps and patients usually go home within one hour after the procedure. This procedure is many times safer than having a baby, driving to and from the clinic, or even getting a shot of penicillin.

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